Microphone noise reduction

How to reduce noise during a video call

To do this on demand, create a script or run the following commands:
pactl unload-module module-echo-cancel
pactl load-module module-echo-cancel aec_method=webrtc source_name=echocancel sink_name=echocancel1
pacmd set-default-source echocancel
pacmd set-default-sink echocancel1

Or to have it enabled permanently run:
sudo vim /etc/pulse/default.pa

Then insert:
.ifexists module-echo-cancel.so
load-module module-echo-cancel aec_method=webrtc source_name=echocancel sink_name=echocancel1
set-default-source echocancel
set-default-sink echocancel1

Finally restart Pulse Audio:
pulseaudio -k

You will then see the noise cancellation when you open the Pulse Audio volume control (pavucontrol) and look under Input Devices.

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